Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Little Reasons...

Call it my idiosyncrasy...
Call it my fetish...
I cannot wait for something gargantuan to happen in my life before I feel like smiling :).
I cannot wait to be the cynosure of all eyes before I start feeling great about myself...
I cannot wait to clear a rigorous academic exam before I actually believe in my intellectual capabilities...
I cannot wait for kudos from someone to agnize my abilities...
For me life itself is a reason to celebrate...
For me life itself a reason to raise the bar each day...
Very rarely would you come across a homo sapiens whose intra-day high in emotions can be the revel of learning a simple keyboard shortcut in MS Excel...or to actualize the fact, guess-work done in exam was cent-percent correct...or (may be it’s the summit for you!!) the cognizance that someone sweet has smiled just because of his creative mail or sms or even a missed call!!

The pleasure of waking until midnight to sing the Happy Birthday song for your close friend and wishing him again just few minutes before the calendar date changes (surprisingly, the person himself forgets till that time that he’s still a B’day-buddy) in hope to see the fluttering smile on your friend’s lips...

The joy of duping your appointments and rushing just because you wanna meet someone special...
The jubilance of haggling with the vendors just because the price negotiated finally would yield accolades from your mother (hopefully if you manage to pick the quality items ...hmmm but she’ll smile at your pride anyway!! ;))
The delight of indulging in the late night bulla-sessions for endless hours with friends and winding up with the noshes and the xx parties.... (well, xx is left for the imagination of readers ;P)
The thrill of bunking classes to catch-up cricket/football tournaments...or the exultation of locking horns with the morons while raising the TT scores...

True that these do not constitute the bullets in your Curriculum Vitae
Agreed that these are of no importance from a materialistic point of view

Life demands something more isn't it?
Should one wait for something more concrete (maybe a plum job...bulky pockets...loads of accolades) before it's appropriate to celebrate??

But that requires patience ....tons of it... which I daresay I do not possess in the least measure (as far as celebrating life is concerned not talking ‘bout the other things for sure)...and it's too late for me to mend my deformed ways...
Why wait till tomorrow when there is plethora of opportunities right now
To look back with nostalgia
To look ahead with hope
To meet today's challenges with a smile
You see life may not wait for you till tomorrow... (to go by a stupid Bollywood flick...Kal-ho-na-ho :))
Often people let their imagination run wild and concoct myriad explanations for such posts...So to be on the safe side ..let me clarify that
I am not working on psychometrics nor have I just realised that I have AIDS / Cancer ( so I am not trying to emulate Rajesh Khanna in Anand )
It's just that it takes 63 muscles to frown ... only 7 to smile .....laziness at it's nadir!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (See even the figures are not well researched)

On more confidential note- Keep smiling no matter what you never know who is falling in LOVE with your smile...;P