Saturday, July 25, 2009


Here comes the day,
the day we all were longing for,
just the thought of which turns my heart on
Along comes the rainbow, smiling above the clouds,
and the zephyr making ambience more pleasant and sound
I was gay enjoying the day,
amidst love and cheer...
Involved so deeply, ignored the silent fear;
But again,
how can Life be so gentle, suave and calm!!
I was thankful in vain,
Time has got different plans!!
There arrived the heavy clouds, only darkness can be seen.
The streaks of lightening pierced,
but no time to grieve.
I stride alone, I have to;
had a goal to achieve...
Trembled, jostled, and risen again in the midst of broken dreams.
Now when I sit back in a room, peeping through a window wide,
flashing back in the buried lane,
the hours cut, as they pass, like a knife.
Heart ached at the sorry figure of silent shadows...
In this fortress dream of sorrow, one day I swept the flipside,
And finally manage to get back my smile as I agnised:
Yes, the night had brought all the suffering,
but has lit the path ahead for few,
though many dreams had shattered in the process
But all this has demoed a new vision to follow...