Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Borderless World

After the massive bloodshed, numerous protests, at the stake of several lives, finally India became free....Well don’t get mislead as am not going to write anything regarding the freedom struggle nor am oozing patriotism. But the question that often raps my restless mind is....Free from what??...Is this the only freedom we were craving for?...Was just the Tiranga on the red-fort, the coveted plan??...Are we really living in a free world?? Am afraid, we are not...
Viewing the breathless preparation for the 62nd Independence Day, I was struck by the thought...Do we really have a reason to celebrate? Do we really deserve to congratulate ourselves? Have we lived up to the promises made so far?? Or are we just fancied by the aphorism...rules and promises are meant to be broken!!.. Ha!
Indian constitution is classified as one of the best constitutions ever written but it’s a pity that our very own people...the compatriots are not able to imbibe the salient features. For instance let’s take Freedom of speech and expression...either take it literally or the deep essence...it corresponds to spinning one’s mental wheel and simply pour what it churns...True, not every idea, every thought, can be accepted by the masses...there will be contradictions...clashes of opinions...but we do have the liberty to opine. Then why the hell our esteemed writers have to face humiliation whenever they come forth with some hard core facts or revolutionary sentiments/ideas/thoughts...Whether it’s Salman Roushdie or Tasleema Nasreen (Bangladeshi writer).....is it the only way we are left with for dissension...or we just picture our writers as the soignée swans who’ll always present some sugar coated toasts that can be easily munched!!
Forgetting about the big examples for a moment if we peep into the common life styles...do we have an appreciable number of people who really have the guts to think beyond the social constraints...come-up with some novel ideas...We Indians are supposed to be the most spiritual beings...extremely religious, having firm believe in mythology...Even a small kid is assumed to learn all the basic chants by heart and the biography of all our mythological heroes...No wonder we worship these characters like anything and call them God...but are we able to accept them in the real life?...Can our so called theist society accept the Radha or Meera in their culture??
“Experts in ancient Greek culture say that people back then didn’t see their thoughts as belonging to them. When ancient Greeks had a thought, it occurred to them as a god or goddess giving an order. Apollo was telling them to be brave. Athena was telling them to fall in love.
Now people hear a commercial for sour cream potato chips and rush out to buy, but now they call this free will.
At least the ancient Greeks were being honest”
These are one of the best suited lines by Chuck Palahniuk .
Today most of our thoughts and actions are governed by the parochial society....the constraints laid by it...ignorant of the one who has imposed them...the father of this genesis...
Question is...are we really able to restrain our mind...can we control the thought process...can we restrain our brain to think in the predefined periphery...Hmmm we can not...answer is a solid NO...we cannot stop our mind...it’s free to love....it’s free to hate...it’s free to forgive...it’s free to traverse in the future...in the past....to the places we can’t really imagine ourselves to be in....
So why curl up and die, when we can stretch ourselves and make a difference? Why shut our self in cocoons; why not lift, and give our dreams a flight? Let go your imagination run riot...It’s the passion that turns a small idea into a global thing. So break out of the 5% terrain of conventional thinking and access the 95% which is uncharted...Refuse to be ordinary...Life is all about three Es...Explore...Experience...Express....
Enjoy the freedom to explore,...freedom to experience,...freedom to express....Remember it’s better to stand out than to just fit in...Believe me sky is not the limit....unleash thyself n you’ll find it’s way too short to satisfy you....Jago India!!
Think beyond...after all it’s a borderless world!!


rajat said...

nice one !!!

in d end, u said "jago india"...
just curious,wat abt u ?,
coz,thr is a grt wall of china, b/w
saying things and doing things.

@nks4ever said...

Ankita: Thanks for the comments
btw what does ur second ques mean??

Rajat: only one question

Ankita: what bout me....
as in??

Rajat: how much of d three Es u follow
coz saying n doing r two diff things
u want others to awake
but i m asking r u fully awake or not

Ankita: well, that's my own philosophy of life... original analysis
so i follow that completely :)

Rajat: :D gud to know

Ankita: I completely believe in the three Es.

Rajat: third one to i know,
u r expressing like anything

Ankita: :)

Rajat: not sure about d rest

Ankita: but my Friend to express... first u have to explore..and experience...

Rajat: ohk....Point.

Anks4ever: :)

Unknown said...

Well writtten post!! But mind you d indian constituition is not d most well written haan for sure its d most WELL COPIED constituition ever,,

@nks4ever said...

dear it's not exactly copied...it's a well compiled constituion...
btw interesting observation :)

Unknown said...

nice yaar!!!

But??? everyone wants to wake up ("jago India") but responsibilities stop them to do so. This is not the excuse but the truth because we Indians are emtional and have a sense of resposibilities.

As per me every indian thinks all these once or twice in whole life but he/she forgets the same because of .............

for exceptions :o :o .....

A Cup Of Life !!!!! said...

hmmm nice anks...
ds post reflects our true india..
bt wht we cand do dear???only by talking nd writing about dm we cant improve its condition..we ll have to move frwrd.,..

@nks4ever said...

Hey, the race advances only by the extra achievements of the individual;You are the INDIVIDUAL. Yes, nobody can do everything so dun think of some Big changes overnight, but as everyone can do something.So act as if what you do makes a difference...It does... :)